DIHNET Corridor Maturity Assessment Tool

The Corridor Maturity Assessment (CMA) is a tool developed for DIHs that are involved in an
interregional innovation corridor.


The DIHNET project sees these corridors as a collaboration between two or more regions, connected
via Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH), that acts as an important instrument to further boost the use of
advanced digital technologies. The DIHs are central service-providers in their region’s innovation
ecosystem and function as a gateway to the connected regions.


The purpose of the CMA tool is to assess the maturity of one innovation corridor. It allows the
corridor partners to set out a vision how the corridor should develop and to gauge at what stage of
development the corridor currently is. This helps the corridor partners to decide where to invest
funds and efforts, to increase the corridor’s chances of success.


For guidance on filling in this tool, see the ‘Instructions’ sheet in the Corridor Maturity Assessment
file or contact the DIHNET consortium at info@dihnet.eu.



Digital Innovation Hubs

SMEs and mid-caps

Development agencies & Policy makers

Investment agencies and private investors




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The DIHNET project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 873155

All rights reserved ® DIHNET project 2022

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