79 applications received for DIHNET’s first open call
Applications for DIHNET’s 1st open call for tech transfer and funding was closed on 15th of September, 2020. In total 79 applications were submitted in different areas of technology with AI being the top choice for the applicants. Applicants located in specific...
International Data Spaces for DIHNET
Many digitalization projects have data sharing at the heart of it. What these projects have in similar is that data needs to be shared in a controlled way and the solution needs to be deployed at a large scale with minimal implementation effort. Below, you can find...
Digital innovation hubs supporting the experiments
It is time to meet our hubs who will be supporting the companies in their technology transfer experiments. Meet TNO (Netherlands) – developed hub that will be supporting the two other hubs in their cooperation with companies – and DigiTech 4.0 (Bulgaria) and Pilsen...
Submissions for DIHNET’s 1st technology transfer experiments are open
From 8th of June until 15th of September 2020, manufacturing SMEs and mid-caps from predefined regions are invited to apply for the open call. Selected companies will take part in 10 month-long technology transfer experiments supported by several digital innovation...
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